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Support Positive Tourism in Cambodia

Help the kids and visit an orphanage
Play with the kids, hold some hands, see the smiles, it’s a great thing and they love visitors!
30 lovely kids, small city house, seldom visited, very needy, limited English speaking (but smile communication is fine!). Come to see traditional Khmer dancing on Sunday evenings.
What to bring and do?
Bring fruit, rice vitamins, hygiene products, school supplies or toys. Prepare for a exited group of kids who truly appreciate your visit! Bring a smile, plenty of energy, and maybe teach a little English.
Please Kindly Read Our Request
We, the association, would like to request the government, national and international organization as well as good-hearted people for continual supports such as shelter, food, medicine, clothes, school materials, to the poor orphaned children. Another important unsolved problem is the relocating of the recent place which is in the Beong Kok Urban Development Plan. Therefore, we would like to ask for donations to construct a new building in order that our association can keep running. Finally, we sincerely hope and expect all good-hearted people everywhere understand these difficulties. We also hope all of you kindly donate in order to help to decrease and eradicate poverty and ignorance. One of the good ways is to help the poor orphaned and homeless children with an adequate shelter, food and education.
Thank you very much for spending time reading!
Thank you very much for spending time reading!